Nails Write For Us
Nails Write For Us: In primates, the fingernail (Latin unguis) is a translucent dome-shaped keratin layer covering the tip of the fingertip or toe.
Nails (also known as nail plates) are descendants of the epidermis that only occur in primates. They form at the nail’s root from horn plates, and the root is at the bottom of the nail pocket. The epithelium found in the bag of the dorsal nail at the nail plate is called the eponychium. Eponychia can be found on the surface of the rhinoceros nose, but it is thought to be more common in other species. The perionychium or perionyx (cuticle in German is the name given to the visible part of the skin located directly on the wall of the dorsal nail at the nail plate. Under the hyponychium is the nail bed of connective tissue, which is firmly attached to the periosteum of the terminal phalanx. In the area of the nail’s root, the matrix becomes the matrix; it forms the substance of the nail plate – the corresponding area is also recognizable as the lunula.
Nails Write For Us: The nails constitute a stop for the tips of sensitive fingers (in the case of animals, “tactile balls”). They sit on the nail bed and are firmly enough connected to it to be an effective tool for scraping, nicking, and hair removal. The importance of the nail for these functions is also visible from the dense and sensitive innervation in the central frontal area (3–4 mm) of the epidermis. The skin of the fingertips reaches below the nails, a fringe of sensory cells captures tactile (i.e., tactile) information from the almost immobile nails plate. Just by touching an object with the fingernail, the surface properties and hardness can be determined, which otherwise would not be possible. The hyponychium area quickly becomes numb, but touching it without fingernails is painful
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Search Terms Related to Nails
- Nail Tissue
- Skin
- Root
- Sinus
- Nail Bed
- Hypochondria
- Free Margin
- Nail Plate Cell
- Cuticle
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